Noua invenție militară a Coreei de Nord. Oficialii de la Phenian se laudă cu noua rachetă hipersonică pe care abia a lansat-o și ar fi avut de 12 ori viteza sunetului.
North Korea launched a new hypersonic ballistic missile and claims it can destroy any rival.
The missile, described as having a hypersonic warhead and a range that would allow it to control the Pacific region, was unveiled amidst Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to South Korea for talks.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un insists this is a defensive measure, not a threat for offensive action.
North Korea launched a new hypersonic ballistic missile and claims it can destroy any rival. The missile, described as having a hypersonic warhead and a range that would allow it to control the Pacific region, was unveiled amidst Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to South Korea for talks. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un insists this is a defensive measure, not a threat for offensive action.